High Officials of Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) graced the Quarterly Mobile Meeting of Development Catalysts (DC) of BDA-Central Mindanao spearheaded by the Regional Management Office of BDA-Central Mindanao, in recognition of their continuing volunteerism in the pursuit of development intervention in the Bangsamoro.
The meeting was held on December 31, 2017 at Muamad Elementary School, Biniruan, Cotabato City hosted by Bandar Kutawato.
The attendance of said BDA officials was purposely to give significant recognition to the catalysts in their continuing volunteerism to help BDA sustains its development intervention in the Bangsamoro.
“The presence of Dr. Rizaldy Piang, Vice-Chairman of BDA; Dr. Mohammad Yacob, Executive Director of BDA; and, Professor Hashim Manticayan, Human Resource Development Division Head of BDA is so significant as it honors the DC’s continuing volunteerism,” said Shiekh Abdulrasheed Ambil, Regional Manager of BDA-Central Mindanao.
“They are the top leaders of BDA who graced the pool of DC organized, and capacitated by the Agency,” emphasized Ambil.
Our DC’s are the community-based volunteers at the same time, funders of BDA-Central Mindanao because aside from being busy in their voluntary field works, they are also spent their personal money for their official activities in case of financial shortage,” Ambil explained.
“Their firm commitment to volunteerism contributed a lot to sustain the operation of BDA-Central Mindanao in its development interventions even at the absence of foreign donor agencies,” Ambil further explained.
“The DC’s interventions in far-flung areas of Central Mindanao are anchored on the mantra of BDA-‘Building people who will build the nation’, while observing extra care to ensure that their activities are always in line with the mandates of agency – ‘to determine, lead and manage relief, rehabilitation and development in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao,’ added Ambil.
In his speech, Dr. Rizaldy Piang made his humble commitment of financial support for the next mobile meeting of DCs in the first quarter of 2018.
“We appreciate this continuing activity – ‘the quarterly mobile meeting of DC,’ so we can meet often because this is how we can sustain the organization (BDA)”, Dr. Piang said.
Dr. Piang also shared insights about the importance of and continuous learning and personality development of DC along with the journey of BDA in response to the prevailing issues of ignorance, specifically the lack of knowledge, and understanding of Islam, as a complete way of life, and the cause of centuries-old struggle of Bangsamoro.
He also emphasized that whether or not there is foreign donor, BDA is always on the move in its development track to help the Bangsamoro, and other stakeholders in the conflict-affected areas in Mindanao.
For his part, Dr. Yacob said, “This meeting is very important considering the fact that our development catalysts involved in this agency work with their utmost sincerity to help the Bangsamoro in good faith.”
Considering the formulation of plan of DC in this meeting for the coming first quarter of 2018, he also made mentioned of the importance of planning while reminiscing the 15 years of operation of BDA where DCs are involved along with the journey.
As a reminder to the DC and volunteers, Dr. Yacob said, “Our goal is to follow the teachings of Qur’an, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) for a prosperous life.”
‘Because, Verily, Allah will not change the condition of people unless they change it themselves,” he added quoting the verse in the Qur’an.
During the meeting, Manticayan presented the proposed profiling of development catalysts of the agency.
In his presentation, the proposed profiling also served as updating of resume of DCs, and upgrading data banking of BDA.
Ambil expressed his thanks and gratitude to the top leaders of BDA for lending their time in order to be part of the activity.
“With your presence and the wisdom, you shared with us as you graced this important activity, may Allah rewards you best in this world, and hereafter”, Ambil said.