
MILF Damakling Political Committee Holds Assembly on Bangsamoro

The Damakling Political Committee of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) conducted a whole day Bangsamoro Assembly with the theme ‘’ Enjoin what is Right, and Forbid what is Wrong’’ on January 31, 2018 at S.K. Pendatun town in Maguindanao.

Norudin Pendatun, Tunggol Barangay Chairman, said “This is very important event for us to understand the real situation of Bangsamoro agenda in Mindanao peace process.” 

Prof. Esmael A. Abdula, President of Kalilintad Peacebuilding Institute (KPI), gave update on Bangsamoro Peace process and the status of Bangsamoro Basic Law 2017 drafted by the 21 members of the Bangsamoro Transition Commission.

“Understanding the Bangsamoro Peace Process and the status of BBL 2017 can level off peoples’ understanding on the current peace process between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and manage peoples’ frustration”, Abdula said. 

“Addressing the Moro Historical Injustices is one way in achieving final, and long lasting solution of Mindanao problem”, Abdula emphasized.

“The Philippine Government should pass the BTC-drafted BBL to end decades armed hostilities in Mindanao, thereby creating the Bangsamoro Political Entity”, Abdula said.

Alimudin Ampatuan.  Chairman of Damakling Religious Sector, said ’’Brotherhood in Islam is the best brotherhood. Our brotherhood can play a vital role in supporting the passage of the BBL”.

Bayan Abas, Base Commander of 108th Base Command of MILF- BIAF, said “We are one of the peace agents who are preserving, and sustaining the gains of the peace process. Our collaborative efforts can contribute to the passage of the BBL.”

Community leaders, religious sector, MILF-BIAF senior and field commanders, and women sector attended the symposium.