IN PHOTO: Mr. Tirso Sulanting Tahir, Lecturer from BLMI (standing extreme right) with participants at Beachside Inn, Function hall, Bongao Tawi-Tawi

Youth Leader Conducts Seminar for Tawi-Tawi MILF Organic members, community leaders

BONGAO TAWI-TAWI. October 5. 2019- Youth Leader and BTA Parliament Staff Mr. Radzhadin Ahang of Tawi-Tawi conducted Seminar for MILF Organic members, sectors representatives, and Community leaders at Beachside Inn, Bongao Tawi-Tawi on October 3. 2019. 

The activity was aimed at sustaining the people’s support and deeper understanding on crucial issues in the Sama-Badjao communities so that they will become more participative and responsive to any productive undertakings.

Mr. Tirso S. Tahir, officer of Bangsamoro Leadership and Management Institute (BLMI) along with Mr. Ahang lectured and facilitated the one-day activity.  

During the open-forum, Tahir encouraged the participants to be always supportive to BARMM leadership and governance especially during the transition period because it is a product of decades of Bangsamoro struggle. 

“Our seminar is not just increasing your understanding on the issues presented and discussed but also soliciting valuable inputs, and concerns from you so that we can convey them to BARMM leadership, its ministries and agencies for their assessment, and consideration,” Tahir said

Mr. Saliakram Adduh a youth leader and BTA legislative Staff discussed the decommissioning of Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) consisting of about 40,000 combatants.

“We are grateful to the MILF Leadership, the Philippines Government, to MP Abdulla Ahang and those behind this opportunity and privileges extended to us through this decommissioning program,” a decommissioned member from Sitangkai Municipality said. 

The participants were alsoenlightened on the fundamental concept and principles of the United Bangsamoro Justice Party (UBJP), the Political party of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

The activity was sponsored by Prof. Abdulla A. Ahang, a BTA Parliament, and also UBJP provincial Chief Executive Officer, Tawi-Tawi chapter and Sama Province Provincial Political Committee Chairman in Tawi-Tawi province.