
Village residents outsideBangsamoroexpress gratefulness for receiving projects from new region

Cotabato City-Community members, key officials and leaders of Brgy. Inug-ug in Pikit, North Cotabato are grateful for being part of the Mindanao Trust Fund- Reconstruction and Development Project Phase II (MTFRDP/2)- a development project implemented in the six major camps of the MILF, a report by Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) official website said Monday.

During the community-wide orientation in the said village, participants expressed thanks to BDA, CFSI and partners for bringing development project to their community.

““For the long time, development projects were only passing by in our community. We are happy that now the project is coming and we are supportive”, BIAF member told.

The barangay local government unit said that “we worked hard for the inclusion of our barangay to the BARMM, because we wanted really to be part of the Bangsamoro, but we failed. Now, you came and we are really supportive. We may not be part of the BARMM but we still get assistance Bangsamoro.”

Brgy. Inug-ug is one of the eight barangay-recipients of the MTFRDP/2- a project that is in line with the implementation of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB), the BDA report said.

The project for the community will be a water system (Level II) expected to address the needs of the community on potable water. For the past years, the community relies on deep well and water pump for water needs while some buy distilled water for drinking.