Photo courtesy of UNDP

WIM-RAMP undergoes training on mediation approaches

The Women Insider Mediators – Rapid Action and Mobilization Platform (WIM-RAMP) underwent Training on Mediation Approaches last November 4-8, 2021 at Greenleaf Hotel in General Santos City as part of the efforts to capacitate the Bangsamoro and IP women on their role in peace-building.
The Mediators Network for Sustainable Peace (MedNet), a non-governmental organization with expertise in facilitating conflict settlement through mediation and providing training on mediation, facilitated the activity. 
The participants, comprised of Moro and IP women leaders from the Bangsamoro and IP communities learned about negotiation, framing and reframing issues, co-mediation and caucus.

They also learned harmony, narrative and transformative mediation and the qualities and ethical dilemmas of mediators.

WIM-RAMP is an initiative of the United Nations Development Programme and Bangsamoro Women’s Commission.

The group has committed to work towards strengthening the role of women in building peaceful and resilience communities in the Bangsamoro through changing attitudes and behaviors that promote conflict and violence,

 creating spaces for dialogue and mediation for peaceful resolution of conflicts, facilitating rapid response for the prevention of violence, and enhancing participation and leadership of women in local peace processes.
More than twenty IP and Moro women leaders joined the activity. They look forward on applying the learnings they gained from the training to help strengthen community peace.