IN PHOTO- Guests and Resource Speakers during the MNLF- MILF Bangsamoro Convergence Peace Summit at Jolo, Sulu on May 12, 2018 (LUWARAN PHOTO)

MNLF, MILF in Sulu release joint declaration in support to Peace Process, BBL and the government anti-terrorism campaign

After the culmination of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Provincial Peace Summit on Bangsamoro Convergence in Sulu on May 12, 2018 initiated, and organized by BASULTA Contact Group for Peace and Development Initiatives, Inc. with funding from The Asia Foundation (TAF), the Moro Groups released a Joint Declaration in Support to the Peace Process, Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), and Government Anti-Terrorism Campaign. 

In their declaration, they said, “Adhering to all Peace Agreements between the Bangsamoro (MNLF/MILF) and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines since 1976 up to now, a genuine autonomy for Muslim Mindanao has been the focal point of negotiations by and between the GRP/GPH, and the Two Moro Fronts;”

“The two legitimate representatives of the Bangsamoro, after series of talks, and negotiation have consensually agreed that their quest for self-determination can be achieved through granting of self-governance for the Bangsamoro;”

“That both Moro Fronts have complied with the consistent and continuous call of the both Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and the International Monitoring Team (IMT) for the Bangsamoro to continue upholding the agreements for peace and development in Mindanao through policy process and program administration;”

“That the MNLF, and MILF is Sulu conform to President Rodrigo Duterte’s Administrations peace track through enhancement of the peace policies and programs of his predecessors in resolving the Mindanao conflict, and the failure of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM);”

“That we acknowledged the significant success and gains of the Bangsamoro in one hand, and the Philippine Government on the other hand, that the peace and order, security and stability are among the development we have attained now, but full swing and total development yet to be achieved should be the passage of Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) that is yet to be done.”

“We the MNLF, MILF, and the Bangsamoro Professionals-Sulu Chapter hereby jointly declare our collective support to the Philippine Government in stopping the spread of terrorism in our homeland Mindanao:”

“We further jointly manifest our sincerest efforts in addressing all forms of violence in Sulu.”

The joint declaration was signed by 17 MNLF, and MILF Officers of Sulu.