Some of the participants during the 6th Year Founding Anniversary of the 1st Brigade, 117th Base Command MILF - BIAF of Northern Sulu

1st BDE, 117th Base Command of BIAF-MILF Northern Sulu Celebrates 6th Founding Anniversary

Camp Darapanan, Sultan Kudarat , Maguindanao- The Moro Islamic Liberation Front - Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces ( MILF - BIAF ) of the 2nd Battalion , 1st Brigade of 117th Base Command-Northern Sulu celebrated their 6th year anniversary through an advocacy program on Bangsamoro Organic Law ( BOL ) in cooperation with Political Provincial Committee of Northern Sulu at Lambayong, Seit Higad , Panamao, Sulu on September 21, 2018.

The activity was attended by more or less150 participants from the BIAF, and Provincial Political Committee (POLCOM) of Northern Sulu.  

The highlight of celebration was as advocacy on understanding the Bangsamoro Organic Law, its opportunities and challenges followed by a Thanksgiving/Kanduli that aimed to strengthen the BIAF - POLCOM relationship through cooperation and coordination towards progress and development of Bangsamoro aspiration.

In his message, 117th Base Commander Musackar Abbie reminded his men that, " as a Mujahedeen ( struggle for the sake of Allah ) we will not expect any position in the Bangsamoro Government but if given the chance it is an amanah " trust " from Allah, and we will make the best of it. Our struggle is for Allah alone and let us not divide ourselves for worldly affairs. May Allah protect us from fitna or " tribulations. "     

AHJAG Zambasulta representative Gafur Uttuh discussed the ADHOC Joint Action Group rules and regulations and the recognition of MILF Camps and their community by putting a signage indicating the name of the camp in the area.      

The Provincial Committee Chairman of Northern Sulu Abdulmotalib K. Ismi discussed how to strengthen the relationship between the BIAF, and POLCOM, and further explained the functions of BIAF in the MILF.

The celebration ended after the giving of message by the 2nd Brigade Commander Hadji Unni Ammad who delved on the policies and guidelines set-up by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front - Central Committee (MILF - CC) and reminded the participants that their struggle is for Allah alone and nothing else.